Program Showcase

Upon completion of Website Designer Certification program students will recieve the following:
Certificate of completion
Domain name
Business email address
Personal Website (completed during program)
Web design portfolio (showcase of work completed during program)
Sales & marketing templates
Proposal templates
Listing in IWD Web designer directory
Access to IWD client referral program
The Website designer certification course is perfectly designed for thus individuals looking to begin a lucrative career as a Web designer, without attending the traditional 12 to 24 month program. Why spend months or years learning coding when you can learn how to use todays latest technologies to create beautiful, unique & custom websites with full eCommerce capabilities in just 2 WEEKS!
Industry Application
The demand for Website designers is high. Many businesses are looking to extend onto the net and many individuals are looking to start they own business online. Since there are such specialized skills needed to create web pages, many businessses and individuals contract someone to get their website up and running. Because of the high demand, Website designers are able to work from home and be self-employed. According to The median annual income for web designers nationwide is $62,386 and the top 90% earn over $82,000 per year.
Course Overview:
Introduction to Website design
Plan the structure
Design elements
Enhance Website with apps, programs and plug-ins
Launch and publish your Website
Optimize Website (SEO) & create a Web presence
Local listing marketing
Marketing your Website design business
18 hours spread out over 5 days. Classes are offerred during the morning (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Mon, 9am - 12:30pm) or evening classes (Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Mon, 6pm - 9:30pm).
Tution starts at only $995 and includes all materials, domain name & custom email for one year. Multiple payment options availible!